
Power Skills

The key objective of this course is to enable students to develop essential skills that will lead them to succeed in entry-level jobs and careers. The practical exercises included in this course will focus on developing skills such as public speaking, time and task management, decision making, interviewing, personal LinkedIn page and resume, and business English for Hi-tech industry.

  • Overcome public speaking anxiety by improving verbal and written communication skills.
  • Manage time and tasks effectively by prioritizing and organizing your workload.
  • Prepare for job interviews with strategies for answering common interview questions and tips for making a positive impression on potential employers.
  • Create a personal LinkedIn page and resume that highlights your skills and experience.
  • Develop business English skills that are relevant to the Hi-tech industry, including writing effective emails, giving presentations, and communicating with clients and colleagues.

Welcome to the Israeli Hi-tech industry
  • Startups, venture capital, and what to pay attention to in the High-Tech world
  • Panel with industry
Innovation, Trends and Ai
  • Keeping up with the latest technological and global trends
  • Getting familiar with AI tools, chat GPT, and promotional writing
Time and Task Management
  • Strategies for prioritizing and organizing tasks
  • Time management techniques to increase productivity
  • Tools and resources for effective task management

Verbal and written communication
  • How to present my story – storytelling techniques
  • Common interview questions and how to answer them
  • How to make a positive impression on potential employers – in person and online
  • Strategies for following up after an interview
Personal business development
  • Creating a personal LinkedIn page
  • Crafting an effective resume
  • Tips for highlighting skills and experience
Business English for Hi-tech Industry
  • Writing effective emails
  • Giving presentations
  • Communicating with clients and colleagues