Data Analyst

Google and Reichman Tech Schools Data Analyst program in collaboration with

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Let's Talk
What is Data and what is Data Analyst?

Think about an app or service that helps you in your daily life – Waze, Google Maps, WhatsApp, Airbnb, your bank, and even the online supermarket from which you ordered a delivery yesterday – a huge part of your experience with these products was influenced by usage data and interpretations provided by data analysts. 

“Without data – you’re just another person with an opinion. But without an opinion – you’re just another person with data” – Dr. Roy Sasson, the academic director of the program. 

In our training, you will receive a set of technological tools (using AI, SQL, Excel, analysis skills, and cloud usage, etc.), statistical and interpersonal skills to approach data correctly and provide recommendations to important decision-makers in various organizations. These tools will advance you on your path to integration into the high-tech industry.  

About the program

The Data Analyst program of the Google High-Tech School and Reichman University is an innovative program that trains for the profession of data analyst. The program was developed with the goal of providing its participants with high-quality training tailored to industry needs, promoting the integration of its graduates into the high-tech industry.  

As part of this, the program will provide its participants with the opportunity to deeply understand the roles of monetization and game economy. Professionals from leading data teams and recruitment teams will be involved in the program and preparation for future integration into the industry. 

The program includes “English for Tech” course, where you’ll practice reading, writing, listening, and speaking, with a focus on developing the business communication skills relevant to real-world situations and daily work in the Hi-tech field.
⁠Exemption will only be granted after an assessment of the candidate’s English proficiency.

Program Syllabus
Learning outline
  • 7 months Starting from September 2024 until April 2025
  • Tuesday, 09:00 – 17:00, frontal studies, Google Campus Tel Aviv Thursday, 16:00 – 20:00, online studies
  • Those who require an "English for Tech" course will also study on Monday, 16:00-20:00, 12 sessions, frontally in TLV or HaSharon area /online
  • Blended model: frontal learning alongside online learning.
  • Lectures, enrichment workshops, exercises, and practical projects.
  • Lectures in Hebrew. Presentations, homework, and exercises will be given in English.
  • Changes may occur depending on the security situation.
Learn and work with AI

The High-Tech School emphasizes the field of artificial intelligence – AI – and integrates it into all training programs. In this program, we will learn what AI is, how to use various tools, with an emphasis on Google’s central AI tool, Google Gemini, to increase creativity and productivity. Using these tools, we will be able to streamline our work, produce higher quality outputs, analyze data, and present insights. The program will lead to the acquisition of relevant skills and the ability to successfully integrate into the future job market while emphasizing the promotion of innovation through the use of AI technologies. 

Training Outline

Screening Process

Approximately two months long and includes several stages, which examining suitability for the field as well.
*There is no need for previous experience

Academic training

The study of statistics as an academic subject

Professional training

Hands-On Experience

Create your final project - your ticket into the tech industry!

Industrial Placement

· Personal escort
· Seminars
· Job interview preparation
· Career development tools

What's special about the program?
  • The most advanced program for professional development, realizing the talent and potential of program participants. 
  •  The program was formulated according to the requirements and characteristics of the high-tech industry, in collaboration with leading companies involved in training and placement processes.  
  • Innovative learning experience with top lecturers from the academic and industrial worlds, ensuring quality and excellence 
Screening Process

Fill in personal details and general information

15 min

Home Assignment

Task from the program's field. *no previous experience required

Few days to submit

Learning Ability Test

Online test that checks learning abilities and English level

2.5 hours


An opportunity to meet in person

30 min

Acceptance to the Program

How exciting! Now is the time to arrange payment/ apply for a scholarship

Who is the program suitable for?

We are looking for talented and potential individuals interested in integrating into the high-tech world as data analysts. As part of the selection process, we will identify candidates with motivation, commitment, logical-analytical thinking ability, independent learning ability, and suitability for the industry. *No prior experience is required. 

Highly motivated people who are willing to study intensively
People who are interested in technology, data, and information analysis and wish to join the high-tech industry
A high level of Hebrew, English and Math proficiency is required
* There is no need for prior programming experience.
Scholarships will be given based on several criteria

Meet the program managers

Dr. Roy Sasson

Academic Director of the Data Analyst Course

Shaked Hoffman

Program Manager
Upcoming Cohorts
Registration is close!
Data Analyst Sep. 2024

  • Can I receive a scholarship?

    As part of the program, we provide incentive scholarships. Scholarships will be given to participants who are found to be suitable and eligible, including participants from underrepresented populations in the high-tech industry, who wish to integrate and work in the studied field for the first time.

    Furthermore, taking into account the security situation, unique scholarships will be given to participants and residents of evacuated settlements in the south and north of the country.

    • To ensure high chances of success in the program, eligibility for the scholarship will be examined after the candidates’ success in the professional tests and personal interviews.
    • Those interested in the scholarship will be required to apply for the scholarship as well as to issue documents and certificates for themselves and their family members. These documents and certificates will be required at advanced stages of the screening process.
    • The scholarship committee examines each case individually. An answer will be given at the end of the screening process.
    • Living expenses scholarships for the duration of the training period will be given in certain cases, according the recommendation of the scholarship committee. The scholarships vary between programs and depend on the socio-economic status of the participant.
    • Payment of the full tuition fee or its relative part is due only upon official admission to the program.
    • There will be the option to pay in installment, in subject to the terms and conditions
    • No double promotions.


    Furthermore, individuals who have served in reserve duty for a minimum of 60 days and wish to apply for a scholarship must obtain Form 3010 from the official IDF website as a prerequisite for their application to be evaluated.

    Why the Data Analyst track?

    It is a sought-after role that allows for a diverse career in various high-tech companies, as the profession is required in every company. 

    What does the curriculum include?
    Where and when are the Data Analyst program studies held?

    Studies will take place on Tuesdays at Google for Startups in Tel Aviv from 09:00 – 18:00 and on Thursdays online from 16:00 – 20:00. Attendance at all sessions is mandatory. *Changes may occur depending on the security situation. Those who require a high-tech English course will also study on Mondays. – English Program Page

    Can I work while participating in the Data Analyst program?

    The program is suitable for those who want to study and work simultaneously. However, it is an intensive program that requires attendance at classes and submission of projects. As such, it is intended for people who can focus on learning and invest additional hours beyond class and practice times. *Attendance in classes is mandatory. *We recommend coordinating with your workplace in advance. 

    What certificate is awarded upon completion of the program?

    Upon completion of the program, and after successfully completing the required assignments, you will receive a graduation certificate from Google and Reichman University.

    Industry Integration

    The program trains you to integrate into the industry in junior data roles. We aim to provide all participants with the knowledge, skills, and tools required for success in the Israeli high-tech industry. Additionally, we offer personal support and guidance in preparation for interviews and industry integration. Your success is our success. 

    What is the cost of the Data Analyst program?

    The program price is 36,600 ₪ including VAT. 

    As part of the commitment of Google and Reichman University to create equality and promote the integration of skilled and diverse human capital into the Israeli high-tech industry, we offer a variety of encouragement scholarships. Scholarships ranging from 60% to 94% for those who meet the target conditions and are found eligible by the scholarship committee. 

    Encouragement scholarships will be awarded to participants who are found suitable, including underrepresented populations in the high-tech industry, including women, diversity populations, those from the socio-geographic periphery, and/or those whose economic background is challenging for them, and who wish to integrate into high-tech roles for the first time. Additionally, in light of the security situation, unique scholarships will be awarded to suitable participants from evacuated communities in the south and north of the country. 

    To ensure high chances of success in the program and realization of the vision, scholarship eligibility will be assessed after successful completion of professional tests and personal interviews. Interested applicants will need to submit a scholarship application and provide documents and certificates of themselves and their families as required by the program, in advanced stages of the selection process. The scholarship committee examines each case individually, and a response will be given in the advanced stages of the selection process. Living stipends for the training period will be granted in certain cases, according to the recommendation of the scholarship committee. The amount of the living stipend varies from training to training and depends on the socio-economic status of the participant. You will be required to pay the full or partial tuition fee only after official acceptance into the program. It will be possible to pay in installments subject to the tuition regulations. 

    No double promotions. 

    The cost of the English course, for those required to take it as a precondition for acceptance into the program, is 5150 ₪ including VAT. If you are eligible for a scholarship for the training program, a relative scholarship will also be provided for the English course. 

  • What are the selection stages for the Data Analyst program?
    1. Filling out a questionnaire with supporting documents: CV and/or LinkedIn profile, and transcript/Matriculation certificate.
    2. Tests assessing skills and thinking abilities and a homework assignment.
    3. Personal interview with the program management and partner companies. 


    What are the basic admission requirements for the Data Analyst program?
    • High motivation and willingness to invest in the learning and professional development process.  
    • Affinity for technology and data with a desire to integrate into the high-tech industry. Creativity.  
    • High proficiency in Hebrew and English. 
    Why is a high level of English proficiency required?

    The high-tech industry operates primarily in English (even within companies operating in Israel). This includes coding and report writing. Therefore, the participants’ level of English must be sufficient to understand the material and apply it. 

    As part of the selection process, we will assess your level of English proficiency. If found suitable, you will be referred to a high-tech English course.