*changes may apply

Syllabus English for Tech

Learning new skills / Goal setting
  • Reading: What is your starting point?Introduction to reading strategies
  • Listening: What is your starting point?Identifying the main points and responding
  • Speaking: Small talk
  • Writing: Paragraph structure, writing emails; online and AI tools
  • Vocabulary: Building up your vocabulary in context and using AI 
  • Language: Parts of speech, sentence structure, tense review 
  • Functional language: key phrases in emails
The Changing Workplace of 2023
  • Reading: Identifying the main ideas in different genres
  • Listening: Responding to questions
  • Speaking: Meeting simulation; speed date between innovators and investors; job interviews; small talk 
  • Writing: Writing CVs; punctuation and capitalization 
  • Vocabulary: word families, vocabulary of business, language of trends 
  • Language: asking questions, modal verbs, phrasal verbs, 
  • Functional language: Language of meetings (agreeing and disagreeing politely;  being diplomatic; clarifying and suggesting; showing visuals; suggested phrases);
    formal/ informal/ cultural contexts 
The Changing Workplace: Leadership
  • Reading: Understanding a long text and answering detailed questions 
  • Listening: Relating to a similar main idea/sentiment from the text and making the connection between ideas
  • Speaking: phone calls/ introducing yourself/  Elevator pitch
  • Writing: A proposal; the hamburger paragraph; clear and concise emails/ reports
  • Vocabulary: common business idioms, Jargon, key hi-tech vocabulary
  • Language: comparatives and superlatives, make vs. do
  • Functional language: Powerful words to use in a presentation
Keys to Success (self, product, company) - FINAL PROJECT
  • Reading: Innovation/ disruptive technologies.
    Looking at the Big Picture: multifaceted response, looking at infographics writing a report/summary
  • Listening: Responding to a listening
  • Speaking: Presentation – advantages and disadvantages of a new/ disruptive technology
  • Writing: Report (adding value)
  • Vocabulary: connectors
  • Language: Review
  • Functional language: Key phrases in presentations
Enhance productivity with AI
  • Learn AI concepts: Machine Learning, Generative AI, LLM, AGI and more
  • Capabilities and limitations of current AI tools
  • Using generative AI to summarize content, learn and understand, develop and visualize ideas
  • Human-in-the-loop approach with Gen AI
  • The art of prompt engineering
  • Using Gemini in Gmail, Docs, Slides and other Google Tools
  • Learning with AI assistance: principles for effective learning

Final project (assigned in Lesson 9): In groups, choose a disruptive technology (e.g. AI, IoT, cloud computing, autonomous vehicles, VR and AR)

  • Prepare a report summarizing the  positive and negative impact of your chosen disruptive technology
  • Make a video/ prepare to present live in the final lesson. Present the positive and negative aspects of your chosen disruptive technology. Each student should speak for 2 -3 minutes.  Prepare to lead a discussion as a follow-up in the final lesson.

Lesson 11  Exam – reading, language and writing 

Lesson  12  Presentations and Innovations Fair/ Conference